The Origini Project has created telegram chats open to all to create an increasingly united and constructive network.
The Origini Telegram Thematic Groups
What are Telegram thematic groups
Telegram thematic groups are telegram groups that are divided into several subgroups (or "topics") which are functional to divide the group into multiple discussion chats and information collectors.
Who can access groups
Every professional that share Origini's values can access the thematic groups. Each group accepts members based on its criteria. The nutrition and craftsmanship groups are open also to non-professionals.
How to access
To join the groups you need to fill in a module. After about a week, you will receive the confirmation email with the access link to the Telegram group you selected.
What is the purpose of telegram thematic groups
Building a network of networks "intelligent", coordinated and constructive of professionals and people who share the same values and the same vision. The network is functional to give birth to new activities on the territory.
Who manages Telegram thematic groups?
Each thematic group will be managed by 4-5 Territorial Representatives for Wellbeing: these are the volunteers who have successfully concluded the course to become Local Reps for wellbeing.
By scrolling down you will discover how to join the groups and what our thematic groups are.
After reading the description of the groups, click on the button Module to fill out the form that will allow you to access the Telegram thematic groups. Filling out the form is necessary as most groups I am reserved for professionals. You will receive an email with the login link to the telegram group, after about a week.